Episodes: 12
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Apr 2, 2020 to Jun 18, 2020
Studio: Ajia-Do
Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life, Shounen

    Kakushi Gotou is a somewhat popular manga artist whose works are known for inappropriate content. Because of this raunchiness, when his daughter Hime was born, he vowed to keep his profession hidden from her, believing that she will be disillusioned if she finds out.

    This paranoia-induced belief leads Kakushi into hectic situations. Despite being a single father, he does his best and often resorts to extreme ends just to protect his secret, such as guising as a salaryman every day or holding emergency drills in case Hime somehow finds her way to his workplace.

    Kakushigoto tells the story of a father and daughter living side by side, maintaining their peaceful existence as the father attempts to preserve the status quo. However, there is a saying: "there are no secrets that time cannot reveal." In time, Hime must learn the reality behind the things she took for granted as she grew up. (Source: myanimelist)

    This anime is about a gag mangaka, Gotou Kakushi (Hiroshi Kamiya) who has a daughter, Gotou Hime (Rie Takahashi). I don't even like kids but Hime is just so cute, from the way she thinks to the way she speaks. She brought a smile to my face watching Kakushigoto. 

    In each episode, we see how Kakushi tries to hide his job from Hime. Hime thinks her dad works as a salaryman. She has no idea at all he's a mangaka, let alone the one who draws dirty jokes. And in each episode, you'll die from laughter because seeing Kakushi hides his true job is hilarious! 

    Then there are the funny characters to cheer things up. Out of all the characters, I LOVE Tomaruin, Kakushi's editor. Hanae Natsuki (Kaneki Ken in Tokyo Ghoul, Arima Kousei in Your Lie In April) voiced his character and I think his voice fits Tomaruin so well! Kakushi and Tomaruin's relationship is pure comedic. They ALWAYS roast each other and nothing can stop them! Even in a serious situation, Tomaruin can't shut his mouth lol. He's really annoying but in a good way, he's blatant and can be stupid too. All these twisted personalities made me love him a lot. He cured my depression bro, ngl. 

    This anime is actually told in the past, except for the last 2 minutes in every episode. We are left wondering what happened to Kakushi and each episode leads to the final episode where the big reveal is waiting. We finally understood Kakushi's past and got to piece the puzzle together. 

    In the last episode, I cried real hard. It was heartbreaking to me. Even then, Tomaruin managed to crack a joke and made me laugh through my tears. That guy seriously needs to be in my life, I want to keep him in my pocket to cheer me up. Too bad he's not real.

    This is actually a sad anime about a lonely mangaka but told in a light way to entertain the audience. Why it's so good is because it's seriously funny, if you're not laughing there must be something wrong with your sense of humor (jkjk), it made you warm and cozy inside seeing the father/daughter relationship and made you cry as well if you need to let something heavy out of your chest. 

    The artwork is different than any other anime I ever watched, but it doesn't stop me from loving the anime just as much. I love the voice actors and how well their voices go with the characters. And most importantly, I love how this anime distracts me from my personal problems. Highly recommended!

Rate: ★★★★★



  1. Wahh! Gonna start watching anime ✨

  2. i watched till eps 4 then dropped... sbb rasa mcm bapa dia mati.. so tak sanggup nak teruskan tgk..sedih.. then baca your review.. u did said its sad anime... hmmm :( my heart is to weak.. .DOUSHIYOUUUUUU

    1. it's sad in a good way! spoiler alert: it's a happy ending ehe

  3. Meleleh juga tgok last episode kakushigoto,, mula2 ingat ayah dia dah takde,, hehehe siapa yg tengok tau lah
