Hai! Alhamdulillah we meet again 👩
so, as yall read my title, i'm going to review videotape by adib zaini, yayy!
but before that, let me tell yall my past how i found fixi.
back then when it was like 20...12 eh? idk, i tak ingat sangat. so that time i was hanging out with two of my friends (which i'll never do again bc i was basically third-wheeling). and diorang bukak cerita pasal fixi. dalam hati i was like hmmm fixie basikal tu ke? lol yeah i memang noob.
and then masa pertukaran hadiah dorm kat SAMURA (basically sbp), i kena bagi hadiah kat akak dorm. and dia mintak fixi. so i main beli jela fixi gelap. and sebab i ni jenis pandai jaga buku, i baca fixi tu dulu before bagi (hehe sorry kak fraye-c) 😅 and then i found myself loving the story so much more than i intended. tapi i still tak baca fixi sangat eventho time tu zaman kegemilangan fixi kat SAMURA. all my friends pun baca. sampai PK HEM pun rampas and i pernah pergi jumpa PK HEM kat bilik dia and time tu dia tengah belek fixi-fixi kat atas meja. serious bertimbum. i only start reading fixi after SPM and until now.
i bought videotape at MPH Bangi Gateway and siap dapat book mark sekali tapi i tak kisah sebab i dah ada book mark sendiri. but i suka kumpul book mark fixi sebab aesthetic duh 💁
masa tu ambik my brother kat UKM sebab dia dah start cuti sem. so my family stayed at the hotel and let me tell yall, Hotel Bangi Gateway murah gila! bayangkan, bilik one queen bed is only RM80 per night. kira murah la kan?
my adik adik and i pergi MPH pagi-pagi tu. even the MPH wasn't opened yet hehe nampak tak excited kat situ? 😊
i memang nak beli fixi since last baca penumpang (WHICH IS SO GOOD WAIT FOR THE REVIEW) like a month prior. i nak beli videotape ni kat pbakl tapi videotape tak masuk dalam package buy 3 for RM50 so i grab other books as i was on a tight budget. i'm always on tight budget lol.
i memang dah jatuh hati kat Adib Zaini since ilusaniti. SUMPAH MINDF*CKED. dia punya writing style, character development, plot semua best. so bila dia publish videotape ni i assume best la kan. before i buy any book, i usually look up the reviews on goodreads. and videotape got 3.3 rating. so i macam hmm not bad.
by the way, abang yang jaga kat MPH tu macam cute hehe i jeling kejap je time masuk. dia banyak kali lalu kat belakang i time i duduk kat atas lantai (yup i'm nasty) sambil baca sinopsis fixi yang lain since MPH kat situ is quite small. nak je i tegur hai kan tapi segan la pulak 😚 so abang, if you're reading this, i just wanna tell you, you're cute ok bye.
okay, back to the main point. masa i baca sinopsis videotape i tak tahu pun the characters were lower form kids. i ni tak berapa suka baca buku pasal watak yang younger than i tau, idky. tapi ada certain books yang eventho the characters are younger tapi cerita best so i don't mind.
basically, cerita videotape ni pasal Razak and his friends (tak silap ada tujuh orang gitu kot). they're 14 year olds at the beginning and then masuk new year in the middle. diorang punya friendship memang ngam gila gitula. razak ni lives in a broken family. his dad is a lecturer at a private college. he's playboy, selalu bawak balik sugar daddy almost every night. his mom pulak kaki mabuk, hisap weed, all kinds of drugs. tapi his mom is more decent than his dad. his dad selalu beat up razak badly tapi his mom layan razak elok je. his parents got married when his mom was 14 years old so people always got confused his mom as his sister. she got married at a young age sebab jantan tu couldn't keep it in his pants and just had to rape her. bodoh. sebab tu razak selalu spend time dengan his friends especially dayana sebab dorang kawan since tadika kot, tak ingat sangat la.
the story starts masa razak and his friends kena denda bersihkan sekolah. mula-mula razak, hasrul, naga and kok ming jumpa VCR kat stor sekolah masa kemas tu.
being the horny boys they are, they thought it was porn and keep the VCR to themselves. lagipun, diorang curious as to what's inside it. tapi VCR ni dah lama so player dia pun susah nak cari. and this is when it went wrong. so dorang dah jumpa VCR player nenek kok ming punya tapi kena tunggu kok ming balik kampung dulu la kat penang rasanya. so bagi i lambat sangat nak dapat player tu sampai masukkan cerita yang tak relevant.
so sementara tunggu kok ming retrieve that goddamn player, this book cerita lah pasal razak and his crush named joanne which is also his neighbour belakang rumah. joanne ni kembar nevaeh aka classmate razak masa form two. so ngorat punya ngorat si razak ni dapat la joanne tu (of course la dapat kan). joanne ni bagi i jenis yang annoying and self-righteous. i memang BENCI DIA. and i know that hate is a strong word and i HATE her. i'm not even sorry to say that. bila dah cerita pasal relationship razak dengan joanne ni dah banyak romance compared to action la pulak. i beli buku ni sebab nak baca action, i tak suka sangat romance. tapi i teruskan jela baca mana tahu best.
and boiiiii still tak best.
before razak dapat joanne, razak ada kena belasah dengan tiga orang lelaki lepas cari duit kat pusat snuker. dorang nak duit razak. then cikgu mawardi, cikgu sekolah razak selamatkan dia. cikgu mawardi ni watak penting so please ingat nama dia. i'll mention his name at the end.
lepas dah dapat player, dorang ramai ramai tengok video tu including nevaeh dengan joanne. content video tu tunjuk ada sorang kidnapper ni record perempuan cina yang dia kidnapped then potong telinga dia. i never knew the reason he cut her ear honestly.
after watching the video, nevaeh pulak got kidnapped. so, razak and the geng selamatkan nevaeh. diorang bagi ransom kat kidnapper tu then nevaeh was released. tapi nevaeh dapat PTSD and tried to kill herself. she got drunk one night and thankfully razak was there to keep her company. scene ni i suka sebab dia sentuh isu suicide and depression.
so razak and the geng start suspecting dorang punya school teacher is the culprit sebab nevaeh dengar ringtone We Will Rock You masa kena kidnapped tu. dorang pun ada buat report police pasal nevaeh tu.
and then...
CIKGU MAWARDI IS THE KIDNAPPER. dorang dapat figured out sebab razak ada tunjuk cikgu hijaz gambar kelas perempuan yang kena kidnapped dalam video tu. then cikgu hijaz cakap dalam kelas tu cikgu mawardi pun ada. and cikgu mawardi pun dah tak datang since report police tu keluar. they met a dead end at first and just got on with their lives.
and then one day, razak dengan joanne balik dari sekolah and singgah bagi stray cats makan. masa tu razak kat dalam kedai tengah beratur nak bayar makanan kucing when joanne got kidnapped by a white van. so razak apa lagi being the hero that he is dia pun cabut la terus kejar van tu. and then he succeeded but only after got injured badly. so razak was taken to the hospital but unfortunately cikgu mawardi got away just like that. but at least joanne was rescued.
and then kat hospital, dalam last chapter cikgu mawardi datang dressed as doctor and bagi razak an ear. then bawak razak naik rooftop to see his mom and joanne tied to chairs. and telinga tadi was joanne's. razak kena decide nak selamatkan siapa, either joanne or his mom and lastly dua dua mati kena bunuh by cikgu mawardi. honestly, THIS ENDING WAS GOOD AS HELL I LOVE IT.
and then comes the epilog which takes after two years since the whole thing. razak stays with dayana. his mom got into rehab. and joanne nak pindah rumah. basically, IT WAS A HAPPY ENDING AND I DON'T WANT IT. lol.
what i like 👍 :
what i don't like 👎:
i'm really sorry if korang suka buku ni and in most favourite books list, i tak judge. we're all entitled to our opinions. i just feel like this book is not for me. and if it is for you, then cool.
for my next post, i'm thinking about getting yall to know me better 😄
so, as yall read my title, i'm going to review videotape by adib zaini, yayy!
but before that, let me tell yall my past how i found fixi.
back then when it was like 20...12 eh? idk, i tak ingat sangat. so that time i was hanging out with two of my friends (which i'll never do again bc i was basically third-wheeling). and diorang bukak cerita pasal fixi. dalam hati i was like hmmm fixie basikal tu ke? lol yeah i memang noob.
and then masa pertukaran hadiah dorm kat SAMURA (basically sbp), i kena bagi hadiah kat akak dorm. and dia mintak fixi. so i main beli jela fixi gelap. and sebab i ni jenis pandai jaga buku, i baca fixi tu dulu before bagi (hehe sorry kak fraye-c) 😅 and then i found myself loving the story so much more than i intended. tapi i still tak baca fixi sangat eventho time tu zaman kegemilangan fixi kat SAMURA. all my friends pun baca. sampai PK HEM pun rampas and i pernah pergi jumpa PK HEM kat bilik dia and time tu dia tengah belek fixi-fixi kat atas meja. serious bertimbum. i only start reading fixi after SPM and until now.
i bought videotape at MPH Bangi Gateway and siap dapat book mark sekali tapi i tak kisah sebab i dah ada book mark sendiri. but i suka kumpul book mark fixi sebab aesthetic duh 💁
masa tu ambik my brother kat UKM sebab dia dah start cuti sem. so my family stayed at the hotel and let me tell yall, Hotel Bangi Gateway murah gila! bayangkan, bilik one queen bed is only RM80 per night. kira murah la kan?
my adik adik and i pergi MPH pagi-pagi tu. even the MPH wasn't opened yet hehe nampak tak excited kat situ? 😊
i memang nak beli fixi since last baca penumpang (WHICH IS SO GOOD WAIT FOR THE REVIEW) like a month prior. i nak beli videotape ni kat pbakl tapi videotape tak masuk dalam package buy 3 for RM50 so i grab other books as i was on a tight budget. i'm always on tight budget lol.
i memang dah jatuh hati kat Adib Zaini since ilusaniti. SUMPAH MINDF*CKED. dia punya writing style, character development, plot semua best. so bila dia publish videotape ni i assume best la kan. before i buy any book, i usually look up the reviews on goodreads. and videotape got 3.3 rating. so i macam hmm not bad.
by the way, abang yang jaga kat MPH tu macam cute hehe i jeling kejap je time masuk. dia banyak kali lalu kat belakang i time i duduk kat atas lantai (yup i'm nasty) sambil baca sinopsis fixi yang lain since MPH kat situ is quite small. nak je i tegur hai kan tapi segan la pulak 😚 so abang, if you're reading this, i just wanna tell you, you're cute ok bye.
okay, back to the main point. masa i baca sinopsis videotape i tak tahu pun the characters were lower form kids. i ni tak berapa suka baca buku pasal watak yang younger than i tau, idky. tapi ada certain books yang eventho the characters are younger tapi cerita best so i don't mind.
basically, cerita videotape ni pasal Razak and his friends (tak silap ada tujuh orang gitu kot). they're 14 year olds at the beginning and then masuk new year in the middle. diorang punya friendship memang ngam gila gitula. razak ni lives in a broken family. his dad is a lecturer at a private college. he's playboy, selalu bawak balik sugar daddy almost every night. his mom pulak kaki mabuk, hisap weed, all kinds of drugs. tapi his mom is more decent than his dad. his dad selalu beat up razak badly tapi his mom layan razak elok je. his parents got married when his mom was 14 years old so people always got confused his mom as his sister. she got married at a young age sebab jantan tu couldn't keep it in his pants and just had to rape her. bodoh. sebab tu razak selalu spend time dengan his friends especially dayana sebab dorang kawan since tadika kot, tak ingat sangat la.
the story starts masa razak and his friends kena denda bersihkan sekolah. mula-mula razak, hasrul, naga and kok ming jumpa VCR kat stor sekolah masa kemas tu.
being the horny boys they are, they thought it was porn and keep the VCR to themselves. lagipun, diorang curious as to what's inside it. tapi VCR ni dah lama so player dia pun susah nak cari. and this is when it went wrong. so dorang dah jumpa VCR player nenek kok ming punya tapi kena tunggu kok ming balik kampung dulu la kat penang rasanya. so bagi i lambat sangat nak dapat player tu sampai masukkan cerita yang tak relevant.
so sementara tunggu kok ming retrieve that goddamn player, this book cerita lah pasal razak and his crush named joanne which is also his neighbour belakang rumah. joanne ni kembar nevaeh aka classmate razak masa form two. so ngorat punya ngorat si razak ni dapat la joanne tu (of course la dapat kan). joanne ni bagi i jenis yang annoying and self-righteous. i memang BENCI DIA. and i know that hate is a strong word and i HATE her. i'm not even sorry to say that. bila dah cerita pasal relationship razak dengan joanne ni dah banyak romance compared to action la pulak. i beli buku ni sebab nak baca action, i tak suka sangat romance. tapi i teruskan jela baca mana tahu best.
and boiiiii still tak best.
before razak dapat joanne, razak ada kena belasah dengan tiga orang lelaki lepas cari duit kat pusat snuker. dorang nak duit razak. then cikgu mawardi, cikgu sekolah razak selamatkan dia. cikgu mawardi ni watak penting so please ingat nama dia. i'll mention his name at the end.
lepas dah dapat player, dorang ramai ramai tengok video tu including nevaeh dengan joanne. content video tu tunjuk ada sorang kidnapper ni record perempuan cina yang dia kidnapped then potong telinga dia. i never knew the reason he cut her ear honestly.
after watching the video, nevaeh pulak got kidnapped. so, razak and the geng selamatkan nevaeh. diorang bagi ransom kat kidnapper tu then nevaeh was released. tapi nevaeh dapat PTSD and tried to kill herself. she got drunk one night and thankfully razak was there to keep her company. scene ni i suka sebab dia sentuh isu suicide and depression.
so razak and the geng start suspecting dorang punya school teacher is the culprit sebab nevaeh dengar ringtone We Will Rock You masa kena kidnapped tu. dorang pun ada buat report police pasal nevaeh tu.
and then...
CIKGU MAWARDI IS THE KIDNAPPER. dorang dapat figured out sebab razak ada tunjuk cikgu hijaz gambar kelas perempuan yang kena kidnapped dalam video tu. then cikgu hijaz cakap dalam kelas tu cikgu mawardi pun ada. and cikgu mawardi pun dah tak datang since report police tu keluar. they met a dead end at first and just got on with their lives.
and then one day, razak dengan joanne balik dari sekolah and singgah bagi stray cats makan. masa tu razak kat dalam kedai tengah beratur nak bayar makanan kucing when joanne got kidnapped by a white van. so razak apa lagi being the hero that he is dia pun cabut la terus kejar van tu. and then he succeeded but only after got injured badly. so razak was taken to the hospital but unfortunately cikgu mawardi got away just like that. but at least joanne was rescued.
and then kat hospital, dalam last chapter cikgu mawardi datang dressed as doctor and bagi razak an ear. then bawak razak naik rooftop to see his mom and joanne tied to chairs. and telinga tadi was joanne's. razak kena decide nak selamatkan siapa, either joanne or his mom and lastly dua dua mati kena bunuh by cikgu mawardi. honestly, THIS ENDING WAS GOOD AS HELL I LOVE IT.
and then comes the epilog which takes after two years since the whole thing. razak stays with dayana. his mom got into rehab. and joanne nak pindah rumah. basically, IT WAS A HAPPY ENDING AND I DON'T WANT IT. lol.
what i like 👍 :
- sentuh isu mental health
- nampak friendship rapat (but not as rapat as the brotherhood in gantung)
- writing style best as always, tak awkward and forced
- all the characters rasa macam alive tapi tak sampai rasa macam dia wujud jugak somewhere in real world
what i don't like 👎:
- tak banyak action, more to romance
- ada scene yang tak patut ada
- cerita dragging at certain parts
- joanne annoying
- tak ada character yang i jatuh hati
- banyak lucah (fixi tak semestinya kena banyak lucah, *cough* penumpang *cough*)
- tak tahu point cikgu mawardi kidnap nevaeh, kenapa potong telinga
- tak tahu ending yang mana (i know nak buat readers berfikir but sometimes i need solid explaination)
- tak sure if the three guys tu sebenarnya konco cikgu mawardi or not
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Rate : ★★✰✰✰ |
i'm really sorry if korang suka buku ni and in most favourite books list, i tak judge. we're all entitled to our opinions. i just feel like this book is not for me. and if it is for you, then cool.
for my next post, i'm thinking about getting yall to know me better 😄